I. Registration

1. A prospective participant submits his/her registration via paypal or online form.

2. Organizer confirms the delivery and acceptance of the participant`s registration (confirmation e-mail sent from annslovakia(at)gmail.com).

3. Registration is complete after the payment of the workshop fee. Otherwise a participant is not registered and sent the ticket/s to the workshop.

4. Items included in the fee are: schooling fee, Certificate of Participation, lunch, drinks (coffee/tea/water).

5. Cancellation of a complete registration is not possible, can be moved to another workshop, or an alternate participant (e. g. colleague, friend) can be accepted.  

II. Payment Conditions

1. Participant is due to pay the workshop fee immediately if registering via paypal, or within five days if registering via the online form according to the data s/he is sent in the confirmation e-mail, including a worshop specific symbol.

2. After receiving the payment, organizer sends the invoice which can be made out for an individual person as well as for a school/organization.

3. In case a participant does not attend the workshop, the workshop fee is not refund. 

III. Deadlines

1. First Minute registration: since July - August 2017, lowest fee

2. Regular registration: since August, 2017 

IV. Ticket and invitations to workshop/s

1. All completely registered participants will be sent electronic invitation to the workshop/s + instructions. 

2. Types of tickets:

  • ticket to TEACHING workshop 
  • ticket to BUSINESS workshop
  • GOLD ticket to both = Teaching + BUSINESS workshop
  • LGES or LGET tickets for special fee for licensed teachers and schools

V. Responsibilities

1. Organizer has the right for any necessary changes resulting from the preparation and organization of the workshop.

2. Organizer will not be held responsible for anything out of his control. This includes anything caused by participants, third bodies, or so called higher power.

3. Participant is fully responsible for his/her travel and accommodation arrangements and his/her time management, personal things, and luggage. Tips for accommodation can be published in here.

VI. Final Provisions and Data Processing 

1. These Terms and Conditions have been formulated and provided in good faith to meet the legal conditions and adjustments to fair trade relations between the seller-organizer of the workshops and the buyer-participant of the worshops. 

In case of any disputes arising from the failure to meet these conditions, misunderstandings, and similar problems will be solved by mutual communication and agreement out of court. 

2. The seller-organizer and the buyer-participant have agreed to fully accept the electronic communication via e-mail and Internet network as valid and binding on both parties.

3. Buyer-participant (=you) acknowledges that:

3. a) "Me as a buyer-participant I agree with processing of all the data I have just filled in the the registration form (papal button form or online formular) are true and I agree and I give permission to the seller-organizer to process them and keep them in his database for the purpose of realizing the workshop and all the actions connected to the workshop. I fully understand my data will be processed and accesseable only for the seller-organizer according to his internal rules required by GDPR."    

3. b) "Before the submittion of my registration, either via paypall or online form, I had read these Terms and Conditions, I understand them, and I fully accept and  agree with them."

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