Ola H., PL - Teacher
My students really enjoy learning GE and they find out that learning doesn't have to be boring and difficult.
Nela S., SVK - Teacher
I've been using Genki English for 3 years with my kids and they really like it and going crazy. I personally love it. It's a great software with lots of games and also lots of lots of fun.
Danica R., AU - Teacher
Thank you once again for organizing an amazing workshop. It was great seeing Richard again presenting his lessons, games, discipline techniques, ... and at the same time meeting really nice people and great teachers. Gave me lots of motivation a inspiration to teach English to my young learners.
Anna S., PL - Teacher
Participation in the workshop was pleasure for me and I gained new knowledge especially about GE phonics. Thanks again for Your and Richard's great work during the workshop.
Darina K., SVK - Teacher
it has been one of the best workshops I have ever been to... actually, no wonder... Richard is an amazing person and teacher, as well. However, it was also about all the people that took part in it (and organised it - thank YOU) whom I find very enthusiastic, thoughtful and enriching to be with. Thanks again!
Kamila K., PL - Teacher
The workshop was great. I learnt some new things about GE and it let me realise some other important facts. I'm really happy I could take part in it and meet you all.
Ola H., PL - Teacher
Monika K., SVK - Teacher & Owner of school
Ďakujem krasne, ze som sa mohla zucastniť fantastického workshop-u. Kadial chodim, tadial ospevujem Genki...
Aneta L., PL - Teacher & Owner of school
I would like to thank You for the workshop as well - it was better than the best of the best. Really fantastic and knowledgable.
Jana M., SVK - Teacher
S Genki English mám zatiaľ veľmi dobré skúsenosti. Používam ju ako poobedný krúžok angličtiny. Deťom sa tá angličtina páči a chodia aj tie, ktoré sa mi pôvodne nenahlásili. Najviac sa deťom páčia hry na zapamätanie slovnej zásoby, ktoré sprevádzajú vyučovacie hodiny. Ďalej zapojenie viacerých zmyslov - variabilita hodiny (počúvajú, spievajú, tancujú, hrajú sa hry, maľujú). Mne sa veľmi páči, že integrované deti s viacerými poruchami si pamätajú slovíčka a doobedná angličtina im ide omnoho ľahšie.
Brendan T, CZ - Teacher & Owner of school
I was really encouraged by the workshop, so thanks again for all your support.
Melinda M., HU - Teacher
Thank you for organising the workshop which was truly memorable, "genki" and very useful for me.
I think everything went very well, organisation was perfect and the venue was perfect, too.
The snacks and lunches were really delicious (coffee was a lifesaver) and I liked that we did not have to bother about these ourselves but were able to fully concentrate on the workshop. Also, the dinner on Friday evening was a very good idea - this gave us the chance to talk to each other and Richard, too.
The course itself was very dynamic and intensive and above all VERY useful.
I do hope I will again have the chance to visit a workshop like this sometime in the future!
Again, thanks for everything!